Went to see Bob Dylan perform to 4000 people in Saigon, Vietnam just a couple weeks ago.  A better act act couldn’t have chosen as the first “big” act to come through Vietnam.  He played an outdoor show at the local university (5 mins from my place) where people (predominantly Western crowd) could be found relaxin’ in the grass or crowed and dancin’ near the stage.  Quite naturally, I was part of the latter group.  His set was funky, bluesy, jazzy, and cool.  Highlight of the set list was hearing “Highway 61 Revisited” and “All Along the Watchtower” as an encore.  What a show.

I danced.  I danced.  I danced.

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1 Response to DYLAN in SAIGON

  1. missmegs1 says:

    wendy! i’m shocked! the first big act was bsb! 😛

    great pics 🙂

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